“Over the hills and far away. That is the tune I heard one day When heather-drowsy I lay and listened And watched where the stealthy sea-tide glistened.” Fiona MacLeod. There are so many things I could tell you about Scotland and why it haunted me many years ago and never left since then. And I […]
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“Over the hills and far away. That is the tune I heard one day When heather-drowsy I lay and listened And watched where the stealthy sea-tide glistened.” Fiona MacLeod. There are so many things I could tell you about Scotland and why it haunted me many years ago and never left since then. And I […]
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Nach 4 Jahren ist endlich ein grosser Traum in Erfüllung gegangen – wir besuchten die Vogelinseln Staffa und Lunga und konnten diese putzigen Tierchen 2 Stunden lang beobachten. Leider war der Aufenthalt nur 2 Stunden und es war schwer, sich zu verabschieden. Die Puffins sind jeweils im Frühjahr von April bis ca. Juli zu beobachten. […]
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