Nejras parents had to wait many years for her to come and fullfill their perfect family love. Now she is with them and they are so happy! To see this happiness in the parents eyes and catch it on camera makes me love my job so much. Nejra did such an fantastic job and smiled […]
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Nejras parents had to wait many years for her to come and fullfill their perfect family love. Now she is with them and they are so happy! To see this happiness in the parents eyes and catch it on camera makes me love my job so much. Nejra did such an fantastic job and smiled […]
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Gianna ist unser neues Nachbarsbaby und das süsseste Ding, das man sich vorstellen kann. Wir fotografierten in 2 Teilen, einmal bei ihr zu Hause und einmal draussen in der Natur, da Giannas Eltern sehr Naturverbunden sind und die Temperaturen zum draussen fotografieren geradezu einladen. Ich liebe Naturfotos! Gianna selber verschlief so ziemlich beide Shootings und […]
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Little, sweet Julian is not only a blessing for his parents, he was born on a very, very special day. The 29 of February 2012. A leap year. Every 4 years, little Julian will celebrate on his real birthdate, the years in between, it will be either a before- or an after celebration. A special […]
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