2013 – over again, so fast; and it feels, that each year is passing more quicker than the one before. So many stories have been told, many plans and outlooks fullfilled. A busy year again, so much did happened, and though also many things not achieved I wanted to do cause of lack of time. […]
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2013 – over again, so fast; and it feels, that each year is passing more quicker than the one before. So many stories have been told, many plans and outlooks fullfilled. A busy year again, so much did happened, and though also many things not achieved I wanted to do cause of lack of time. […]
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Bereits zum 4. male zog es uns nach Lappland – dies erneut zur Kaamos Zeit, welche vom 21.12. – 21.1. ist und bedeutet, dass die Sonne nicht aufgeht. Das heisst jedoch nicht, dass man den ganzen Tag in Dunkelheit verbringen muss – bei klarem Wetter ist es 5 Stunden hell, und der Himmel zeigt sich […]
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