Attending a wedding as a photographer is one thing – plan your own a completely different story! I was asked by many clients and friends “when is your big day, and how are you going to plan it?” Many young women have a picture in mind of her dream wedding day. Mine used to be […]

“I do” the hawaiian way A wedding photographer gets married, Part III


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Switzerland got “hit” by a long, cold period where temperatures dropped down to a max to -45 degrees at some places. Not this cold, but also -20, we decided that its too cold to have an engagement shooting all outside. Where to go? There a many great places. We chose the Trafo Baden, where on […]

Engagement @ Trafo Baden


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Diana und Sacha durfte ich bereits zu einem Schwangerschaftsshooting besuchen. Vorletzte Woche ist die kleine, süsse Julia auf die Welt gekommen und macht das Familienglück perfekt. Diana ist ein Etsy Fan und hat ein paar tolle Accessoires dort bestellt die Julia ausserordentlich gut standen! Die bemalten Holzwürfel mit Julias Namen drauf fand ich eine wunderbare […]

Little Angel * Newborn photography

Maternity + Newborn

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Manchmal braucht es vielleicht etwas Überwindung, den eigenen Geschmack an einer Feier durchzusetzen. Liebe Bräute, habt Mut – es lohnt sich! 😉 Ich liebe Vintage und Shabby chic Artikel, Pastellfarben, Treibholz und alte Schätze, die man auf den Dachböden oder auf Flohmärkten findet. Genauso sollte meine Hochzeitsfeier auch ausgestattet sein. Das die Erwachsenen Freude an […]

Wedding Vintage decoration * A wedding photographer gets married part II


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Their Email with the booking to be their wedding photographer reached me somwhere between Arizona and Colorado. Barbara and Andreas live in the beautiful Valais. Many people spend their winter or summer hiking vacation there. It makes me very happy to photograph their special day in middle of family and friends in such a beautiful […]

Walliser Liebe in Baden


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I hardly couldnt wait, to meet little Elin and visit her in her new home. Her room is a dream of soft colors, brown, rose and white, with lots of small animal friends. While Partens and photographer were so excited about this sweet little girl, Elin herself slept almost the entire shooting time. No wonder […]

Little Miracle * Newborn photography

Maternity + Newborn

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Andrea Kuehnis is a photographer and travels worldwide offering weddings, elopements, and lifestyle shoots to capture life's most special moments.