Oh, how I love international Weddings! Laura was born in Mexico, her mom is from Columbia and her dad from Italy.  What a spirit that day – what fun! They surround a great kindness and above all a great taste for style. They knew excactly what they wanted for their big day; and they made […]



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 Be beautiful and show it! “I love my body, I love everything about me and I want to be photographed who I am”  – that was Loredana’s wish, when she turned to me for Portrait photos. Who can say this from themselves? To understand Lori you need to know that she is the most cutest […]



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A small but very intimate and very personal wedding on that rainy day. Both, Monika and Stefan choose a very beautiful place to make their wedding photos. The Bally Park in Schonenwerd. Normally very busy on a saturday with many wedding couples, this rainy saturday we were the only ones there. I really admired the […]

rainy wedding days


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People keep asking me, what was the best wedding  I ever photographed. Frankly – there is no “Best”. All weddings are special. And each wedding has it’s very memorizable moments. True, there are weddings with very special elements, like a unique location, the best party ever, breathtaking wedding dress or the most happy tears ever […]

Into the Clouds – Wedding in a Ju-52 airplane


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Bereits das dritte Mal durfte ich Diana und ihre Familie fotografieren. Wie toll das ist! Beginnend mit ihrem schönen Babybauch bis zur jetztigen Geburt ihres zweiten Kindes sind 2 Jahre vergangen. Eine Begleitung, die mir viel bedeutet. Ebenso zu beobachten, wie sich die Familie verändert, wächst und als Ganzes zusammenfügt. Und – ganz ehrlich – […]



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I know Amethyste from the past – another part of our life. We met as different people back then, different stories, and a different view. Life changes, and it split our way businesswise but never personally. I was so excited, when she asked me to photograph her wedding. Looking at Amy back then and today, […]

Life and Love


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Andrea Kuehnis is a photographer and travels worldwide offering weddings, elopements, and lifestyle shoots to capture life's most special moments.