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Into the Clouds – Wedding in a Ju-52 airplane

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People keep asking me, what was the best wedding  I ever photographed. Frankly – there is no “Best”. All weddings are special. And each wedding has it’s very memorizable moments. True, there are weddings with very special elements, like a unique location, the best party ever, breathtaking wedding dress or the most happy tears ever cried.

This wedding too be always in my memories, cause the couple chosen to get married in a very special and unique place – an old JU-52 Airplane. The Ju-52  – or nickname “auntie Ju” is a 1932 Airplane with it’s origin in Germany. The reception took place in the Airmuseum in Duebendorf, Switzerland. I have never been in a Ju-52 before – neither of course photographed a wedding what turned out to be very challenging and great. This airplane is very small, especially when it’s fully seated. I dont know how the couple did it, but they actually had a real priest leading the ceremony in such an special place. It was simply unforgettable and I like to think back to this special day in June.

And when readers wonder now, why the couple choose such a special place to get married you might already think the answer: both are – of course – Pilots!

Thank you for having me part of this. It will be truly an unique and unforgettable ceremony!


Band: Orchestre Jazz
Location: Fliegermuseum DübendorfLocation Dinner: Rössli, Hurden

Andrea Kuehnis is a photographer and travels worldwide offering weddings, elopements, and lifestyle shoots to capture life's most special moments.