If you’re planning an outdor wedding in the Swiss Alps, nice weather is like a lottery jackpot. You’re just not sure, until the day is actually here. Eva and Justin had the luck on their side that day, they are the kindest people ever and I felt so happy being part of their Wedding. What […]
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If you’re planning an outdor wedding in the Swiss Alps, nice weather is like a lottery jackpot. You’re just not sure, until the day is actually here. Eva and Justin had the luck on their side that day, they are the kindest people ever and I felt so happy being part of their Wedding. What […]
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The Valais lies in the southwestern part of Switzerland. It is not only famous for its beauty & the Matterhorn mountain, also for their Valais Fondue and their own, special language; the “Wallisertuetsch”. I was very happy to be able to photograph a wedding in Naters and Brig, on this beautiful day in September. A […]
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