Magical Summer Wedding in the great city of Basel. It was one of these days, where you could feel the love everywhere, in every moment, ever corner and every person. Together with Romi and Patrick we drove to the beautiful Merian Garden to do their portaits, having a stroll through the garden and enjoying this […]

Wedding in Basel

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Magical Summer Wedding in the great city of Basel. It was one of these days, where you could feel the love everywhere, in every moment, ever corner and every person. Together with Romi and Patrick we drove to the beautiful Merian Garden to do their portaits, having a stroll through the garden and enjoying this […]

Wedding in Basel


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Meet the Morgan’s. A power couple. Full of energy, love and life. It was such a joy to spend their Wedding day with them. A happy, smiling couple from start till end, party, action and a deep love for each other. I hardly ever saw a more relaxed bride on her wedding day. She greeted […]

Belvoir Wedding


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Lucina and Yiunli from Singapore visited Switzerland during this summer. While they were travelling, they wanted to do an Engagement session, as they are getting married in Singapore soon. The day we planned for the shooting they said in Thun, one of my favorite cities in Switzerland and “the city in the Alps” as they […]

Engagement Photographer in the Swiss Mountains


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When you meet Laura you have to instantly adore her – shes a natural beauty, a soft gentle person and the most sweetest girl I have ever met. On their shooting day, nature was not at its finest; the temperatures dropped down to 4 degrees and the weather was gray and cloudy. The trees still […]

Engagement Photgraphy Love Theme * Rakkaus


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Ich freue mich jedesmal, wenn die Anfrage als Hochzeitsfotografin vom Bräutigam kommt. Oft sind es die Frauen, die die Aufgabe übernehmen, den passenden Fotografen für den grossen Tag zu suchen. Nicht so bei Sven – spätestens auf seine Frage was passiert, wenn meine Kamera während der Hochzeit kaputtgeht, war mir klar – hier plant ein […]

Love on the top of Zurich * Heiraten auf dem Utokulm


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Schlösser sind sind ein Schatz aus vergangenen Zeiten. Geschichtlich interessant, stolz und fast schon majestätisch mit ihren Mauern und Türen bieten sie viel Privatsphäre und sind ein sehr beliebter Ort zum heiraten. Unser Brautpaar wählte ein Meer von gelben Rosen und weissen Calla Blumen welche harmonisch zum elfenhaften Kleid der Braut wirke. Gelb und Grün […]

Heiraten auf Schloss Böttstein


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Andrea Kuehnis is a photographer and travels worldwide offering weddings, elopements, and lifestyle shoots to capture life's most special moments.