There are good reasons, why to step into your wedding outfits and photograph again after your big day: your Wedding day was too busy in it’s schedule, or it was raining & you missed the gorgeous sunset photo you wanted so much you can’t get enough of feeling like a bride and love to be […]

Mountain Wedding Switzerland


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Gorgeous Wedding in Lucerne

Wedding Lucerne


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Soul Mates. I learned a lot about them the last 5 years. Every couple has their own story to tell and no two are the same. Some started with a smile, some met over the Net, some had a long friendship ahead, some get married after 16 years and some after only 1. Some fell […]

Berghochzeit im Berner Oberland


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Lucina and Yiunli from Singapore visited Switzerland during this summer. While they were travelling, they wanted to do an Engagement session, as they are getting married in Singapore soon. The day we planned for the shooting they said in Thun, one of my favorite cities in Switzerland and “the city in the Alps” as they […]

Engagement Photographer in the Swiss Mountains


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We need rainy days sometimes. Like today, where I have the time to catch up with blogging and editing many of my sessions. In the summertime when I am on the road almost every friday and saturday, time is very rare to share some of the stories I would like to do much more. In […]

Engagement Photography in Zurich city


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I had the pleasure to visit the Kartause, who is an old monastery in the Kanton Thurgau of Switzerland. It is an huge place with many old and interesting Buildings, a whine cellar and a beautiful, natural surrounding. On top of it, up the hill a small church. It is a perfect place for a […]

Kartause Ittingen – Hochzeit im Thurgau


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Andrea Kuehnis is a photographer and travels worldwide offering weddings, elopements, and lifestyle shoots to capture life's most special moments.