Magical Summer Wedding in the great city of Basel. It was one of these days, where you could feel the love everywhere, in every moment, ever corner and every person. Together with Romi and Patrick we drove to the beautiful Merian Garden to do their portaits, having a stroll through the garden and enjoying this […]

Wedding in Basel

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Magical Summer Wedding in the great city of Basel. It was one of these days, where you could feel the love everywhere, in every moment, ever corner and every person. Together with Romi and Patrick we drove to the beautiful Merian Garden to do their portaits, having a stroll through the garden and enjoying this […]

Wedding in Basel


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Ich liebe Basel! Eine tolle Stadt, und tolle Menschen. Umso lieber sind mir echte Basler Hochzeiten, mit Guggenmusik und wunderbare Feste. Mein Brautpaar wählte als Fotolokalität die Maersk Schiffsplatz aus. Ein toller Ort für Fotos! Die Braut wählte Violett als Tagesfarbe und hat dies in ihrem Outfit wunderbar wiedergegeben.

Heiraten in Basel


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Andrea Kuehnis is a photographer and travels worldwide offering weddings, elopements, and lifestyle shoots to capture life's most special moments.