I believe, this is the longest wedding I ever posted. Just because I’m in love with each one of the pictures. Just because, this stylish couple who is a huge fan of the 40’s&50’s has not only an incredible great taste, they took so much time on collecting, choosing and preparing all the details and […]
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I believe, this is the longest wedding I ever posted. Just because I’m in love with each one of the pictures. Just because, this stylish couple who is a huge fan of the 40’s&50’s has not only an incredible great taste, they took so much time on collecting, choosing and preparing all the details and […]
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I read once, that photographers should not document good friends weddings, as it could be too personal. I am glad, I did not stick to this. I would have missed a loving, emotional and fun Wedding. Yes, sometimes, I was close of putting the camera down and hug both of them, right after the ceremony […]
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One of my most favorite places is Cornwall. Yes, I am aware, that I haven’t seen all countries by far – still, there are places you go, and you know “that’s it”. Stunned by the beauty, the wild coast, the cold water and the wild wind, and also the rain. Cornwall the little “tail” in […]
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Ich liebe die Magie des Winters. Fast jeder kennt das Wintermärchen des Aschenbrödels, dass zu Weihnachten auf sämtlichen Kanälen im Fernsehen läuft. Wie sie im Brautkleid durch den Schnee reitet und ihren Prinzen heiratet. Traurig, dass es in einem Schneeland wie der Schweiz so wenig Winterhochzeiten gibt. Aber viele wollen das warme, schöne Wetter, die […]
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Sometimes, I am trying to imagine, how my bride will look at her wedding day, what dress and accessories she will chosen. I belive that I know my brides and about their taste – as we meet several times before the wedding day. I love good suprises. My photographer heart is jumping, when I see […]
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