Besides Weddings I enjoy to portrait people. Lately I had the pleasure, to photograph several women, strong, independent ones. Each one with her own life, goals and dreams. The setting is each time different. Caro is a powerful and strong women who makes an apperance the second she enters the room. It was so much […]
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Besides Weddings I enjoy to portrait people. Lately I had the pleasure, to photograph several women, strong, independent ones. Each one with her own life, goals and dreams. The setting is each time different. Caro is a powerful and strong women who makes an apperance the second she enters the room. It was so much […]
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Ein Fotoshooting soll Spass machen. Nur wenn sich die Person vor der Kamera wohl fühlt strahlt sie eine Natürlichkeit aus, die ich gerne mit der Kamera einfange. Am liebsten bin ich dafür im Freien, wo es soviel zu Sehen und Entdecken gibt. Für Anitas Shooting wählten wir die Abendstunden aus um das weiche Licht voll […]
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