Sometimes, I am trying to imagine, how my bride will look at her wedding day, what dress and accessories she will chosen. I belive that I know my brides and about their taste – as we meet several times before the wedding day. I love good suprises. My photographer heart is jumping, when I see […]
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Sometimes, I am trying to imagine, how my bride will look at her wedding day, what dress and accessories she will chosen. I belive that I know my brides and about their taste – as we meet several times before the wedding day. I love good suprises. My photographer heart is jumping, when I see […]
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Congratulations to Natalya and Stefano, who celebrated an very international Wedding at Villa Villette, in Cham this April. The weather was rainy but it did not keep the bride away from looking absolutely georgous and glamourus! Location: Villa Villette, Cham
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Janine & Thomas’ Zivilhochzeit fand im schönen Schloss Schauensee in Kriens statt. Gegessen und gefeiert wurde in der Villa Villette in Cham, direkt am Zugersee. Dieser sonnige Tag im Juni bescherte uns heisse 32 grad, ein Glück, dass uns die vielen Bäume im Garten der Villa Villette angenehmen Schatten spendete. Begleitet wurden wir von einer […]
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Christians proposal to Nicole was so romantic it could be out of a Hollywood production; during a helicopter trip on the Island of Maui in Hawaii, he proposed to his lovely girlfriend, and she said yes! Still far away in beautiful memories of the lovely Islands of Hawaii, a whole year of preparation and planning […]
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