Magical Summer Wedding in the great city of Basel. It was one of these days, where you could feel the love everywhere, in every moment, ever corner and every person. Together with Romi and Patrick we drove to the beautiful Merian Garden to do their portaits, having a stroll through the garden and enjoying this […]
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Magical Summer Wedding in the great city of Basel. It was one of these days, where you could feel the love everywhere, in every moment, ever corner and every person. Together with Romi and Patrick we drove to the beautiful Merian Garden to do their portaits, having a stroll through the garden and enjoying this […]
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“Ohne Licht gehts nicht” Heiraten auf dem Bauernhof in einer Scheune wird immer beliebter. Draussen ein Barbecue, Heiraten auf dem Feld auf Strohballen, vis a vis ein paar Kühe die neugierig über den Zaun schauen. Und gerade aus diesen alten Holzscheunen wo normalerweise Traktore und Heu drin verwahrt werden, können mit viel Kreativität in ein […]
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I love spring weddings! When nature awakes from a long winter, fresh colors are everywhere. Light green, trees are blooming, it’s so inspiring for me! Sometimes I ask my couples for a few footsteps of walks to find the exact perfect place for the perfect photo. Not everything is just beside the walkway. And I […]
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